We provide answers to the most frequently asked questions:
Are pets allowed?
Yes, they are accepted in accommodation and pitches. Prices are shown on the accommodation and pitches pages.
How do I book a stay at Mas Llinas?
A deposit of 30% of the total amount will be requested at the time of booking. The balance is due 6 weeks before your arrival.
Is there a deposit for the reservation?
When renting accommodation, a deposit of 300€ must be paid on arrival by cheque or bank transfer.
What methods of payment are accepted at the campsite?
You can pay for your stay by credit card, cheque, vacation voucher or cash.
Do you offer cancellation insurance?
Yes, you can take out cancellation insurance when you book.
Do you rent out baby equipment?
Highchairs (€15/week) and cots (€15/week) are available for hire.
Can we rent sheets?
If you’re staying in accommodation, you can rent sheets for €7 for a single bed and €12 for a double.
Can we rent towels?
Towels are available from reception at a cost of €10 per week.
Can I cancel a reservation without cancellation insurance?
The campsite will be able to cancel your booking but will not be able to reimburse any deposit paid.
Do you have electric terminals?
Can I park on the campsite?
Each pitch and accommodation has one parking space. Additional vehicles must be parked outside.
Do you have a playground?
Yes, for children
Do you offer WIFI?
Yes, we offer WIFI to visitors. The rates are : 2€ for one hour and one device, 5€ for 24 hours and one device, 7.50€ for 3 days or a weekend and one device, 10€ for one week and one device, 15€ for one week and 3 devices and 30€ for 1 month and 1 device.
Do you have a barbecue?
You can rent an electric barbecue for €15 per week.
Do you have a cleaning package?
We offer a cleaning package so you don’t have to worry about it before you leave: 50€ for a one-bedroom mobile home, 70€ for a 2-bedroom mobile home and 100€ for a 3-bedroom mobile home.
Do the rentals have air conditioning?
The PMR chalet, the DUO range, the NEST, TRIGANO, O’HARA, CONFORT, CONFORT+ and EMERAUDE mobile homes are all equipped with air conditioning.
Do the accommodations have coffee makers?
Each accommodation is equipped with a coffee maker.
Are the pitches equipped with electricity?
Yes, all locations.